How many of us have either heard or said, "I'm just not very motivated to do _________(fill in the blank)?
The dictionary defines motivation as:
motivation- n
1. the act or an instance of motivating
2. desire to do; interest or drive
3. incentive or inducement
So you're motivation to lose weight or become healthy could be almost anything. For me, it was my health. My blood pressure was high, I felt pretty much like crap all the time and I was ready for a change. And from there, I would set little goals and rewards for attaining those goals. For others, sometimes, it could be to be able to get in a new bathing suit, an upcoming wedding, to be able to fit into that ___size jeans, a trip....etc.
Sometimes, you have to create your own motivation....but what happens when you have started on your journey and that motivation is just not there any longer. A lot of people just give up...they become discouraged. Maybe they have slipped and they now believe that the goal that they have set is unattainable. They lose their motivation.
Motivation can come and go and sometimes you don't have control over "motivation".....it's what you do that counts. That's where Determination comes in. You control determination. It is something that comes from within you....not some outward thing that you strive for.
Determination is what causes us to keep going no matter what.
Some of the definitions from the dictionary for determination are:
determination — n
1. the act or an instance of making a decision
2. the condition of being determined; resoluteness
3. a resolute movement towards some object or end
So....no matter what your motivation is to reach your goals....it's your determination that will get you there.
So, set your goals, be motivated, but above all, be determined and resolute in your purpose of getting there.
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