Twice a week, I work out at Gold's Gym with a personal trainer. Fortunately for me, the gym is located within 2 minutes from where I work, making it easier for me to go during my lunch hour.
On Mondays and Wednesdays I am put through what some people would refer to as "torture". Strength training and weightlifing is something you would consider mostly the type of exercises for men. However, this type of workout is an excellent way for women to get or stay in shape and is a great compliment to cardio routines.
Did you know that by building muscle you will burn more calories in your other activities? Not to mention that toned arms, abs, and legs are a reward in themselves.
A lot of women are afraid of doing this type of exercising in fear of overdeveloping muscles and appearing like some of the women in the body building competitions. If this is your fear, you can put it to rest. Talk with a personal trainer and he or she can put together some routines that will give you the toned look you are looking for, increase your stamina, and overall health.
I love weight training. Even though it is usually followed by a day of soreness, I know that it is because I gave my muscles a good workout. I always come away feeling stronger....and more self confident!
If this is something that you have shied away from, you should at least give it a try...you might be surprised!
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