I am more than a number.
I am more than just my age.
I am more than just my weight.
I am more than just the size I wear.
I am more than the calories I consume.
I am more than the number of minutes I exercise.
I am a mother.
I am a wife.
I am a daughter.
I am passionate.
I am determined and strong.
I am loving and caring.
I will not let numbers determine who I am or who I can be.
Thanks for visiting! Would really appreciate you leaving a comment just to let me know stopped by.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Move Aside or I'll Run You Over......
Okay, maybe that was a little much. It's more like, move aside, you're in my way and might cause me to fall. But at the moment right now, I feel like I could mow anyone down. It's amazing how different you look at things when you are feeling more confident and stronger.
I originally started this blog because I wanted to chronicle this journey in hopes that it would help others see that they can do it to. But the further I go, I realize that by blogging, it is helping me be more accountible for the things that I do. I wan't to be able to look back a few months, years, etc. and be able to see how far I've come, the things that I've accomplished, and the obstacles that I've overcome.
Back to the blog post....running. In all my years, I have NEVER been a fan of running. And when I say, all my years, I mean going back to childhood. I was just something that I have never been able to master. I was always slow, and never could go very far without getting out of breath or my sides hurting. I hated playing sports because most involved some sort of running, jumping, etc. In school, when it would be near the end of the year, I dreaded field day. You remember...the relay races, sprints, etc. I would always try and find a way to be able to stay home on that day. As my teenage years rolled around, it didn't get any better. I had "blossomed" by that time (if you know what I mean) and let's just say I was very blessed in that way. But, it made pretty much any type of physical activity a bit more difficult. So, I just didn't participate..at all.
I have always wanted to run. Sometimes, when I dream, I dream that I am running and it's like I'm just floating and it just comes so easy.
Now that I have lost weight and I am eating healthy, I think it's time to make that dream a reality. I am tired of hearing myself say "I can't do it". It's time to change that mentality to "I can and I will do it".
So, here and now...I am making that commitment. I AM going to run in a 5K.
I've made the commitment...now what? I have a personal trainer who is going to help me reach that goal. I am going to start following the Couch to 5K training plan---starting on Wednesday (when I get back from vacation). I am going to log my progress EVERY day (stay tuned).
So, away I go!
I originally started this blog because I wanted to chronicle this journey in hopes that it would help others see that they can do it to. But the further I go, I realize that by blogging, it is helping me be more accountible for the things that I do. I wan't to be able to look back a few months, years, etc. and be able to see how far I've come, the things that I've accomplished, and the obstacles that I've overcome.
Back to the blog post....running. In all my years, I have NEVER been a fan of running. And when I say, all my years, I mean going back to childhood. I was just something that I have never been able to master. I was always slow, and never could go very far without getting out of breath or my sides hurting. I hated playing sports because most involved some sort of running, jumping, etc. In school, when it would be near the end of the year, I dreaded field day. You remember...the relay races, sprints, etc. I would always try and find a way to be able to stay home on that day. As my teenage years rolled around, it didn't get any better. I had "blossomed" by that time (if you know what I mean) and let's just say I was very blessed in that way. But, it made pretty much any type of physical activity a bit more difficult. So, I just didn't participate..at all.
I have always wanted to run. Sometimes, when I dream, I dream that I am running and it's like I'm just floating and it just comes so easy.
Now that I have lost weight and I am eating healthy, I think it's time to make that dream a reality. I am tired of hearing myself say "I can't do it". It's time to change that mentality to "I can and I will do it".
So, here and now...I am making that commitment. I AM going to run in a 5K.
I've made the commitment...now what? I have a personal trainer who is going to help me reach that goal. I am going to start following the Couch to 5K training plan---starting on Wednesday (when I get back from vacation). I am going to log my progress EVERY day (stay tuned).
So, away I go!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Vacation Post
Here I am, a long way from home (no pun intended toward blog title). No bike, no exercise DVDs, and not a lot of control over food. So how do you stay on track when your routines have been turned upside down?
You make choices..just like you do everyday. Of course your choices may have to be tweaked a bit. Even though you are not in control of the circumstances that may surround you, you are still in control of you.
"Okay..." you say, but what exactly does THAT mean?
For me, I am going with the flow. I don't have a plan, a menu, or a exercise routine to adhere to. But even so, I know what my limits should be. I know that I can pretty much eat whatever I want, but will watch my portions. There may be things I will pass up and maybe things I can substitute....but I'm NOT going to stress over it.
So what that I won't be able to get on my bike....no big deal! What does a few days matter in the grand scheme of things? If I can do some strength training while I'm here, walk when I can, have fun with friends - and not just be a lazy couch potato...then I'm doing great!
I CAN be away from my ritualistic environment, have a great time, enjoy myself, enjoy being with friends, and still be able to be true to myself.
So, I know I didn't explain this great. It's in my head and it loses something in translation by putting into words. So I will just end with this.
I am ME. I trust ME to do what is right for ME. Because that is what it all really comes down to...trusting yourself to do what is right...not what is right for someone else, but what is right for you.
You make choices..just like you do everyday. Of course your choices may have to be tweaked a bit. Even though you are not in control of the circumstances that may surround you, you are still in control of you.
"Okay..." you say, but what exactly does THAT mean?
For me, I am going with the flow. I don't have a plan, a menu, or a exercise routine to adhere to. But even so, I know what my limits should be. I know that I can pretty much eat whatever I want, but will watch my portions. There may be things I will pass up and maybe things I can substitute....but I'm NOT going to stress over it.
So what that I won't be able to get on my bike....no big deal! What does a few days matter in the grand scheme of things? If I can do some strength training while I'm here, walk when I can, have fun with friends - and not just be a lazy couch potato...then I'm doing great!
I CAN be away from my ritualistic environment, have a great time, enjoy myself, enjoy being with friends, and still be able to be true to myself.
So, I know I didn't explain this great. It's in my head and it loses something in translation by putting into words. So I will just end with this.
I am ME. I trust ME to do what is right for ME. Because that is what it all really comes down to...trusting yourself to do what is right...not what is right for someone else, but what is right for you.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Vacation Time

We are hittin' the road at midnight tonight on a 12 hour car trip to Michigan to visit some friends. I know, midnight seems like an odd time to start the trip. Husband works second shift, gets off at 11:30 pm...by the time he gets home, I plan to have the SUV packed and ready to go. All he will have to do is change his clothes and help me load the kids. He's used to staying up after he gets home, so driving will be a breeze for him, and I can catch a little shut-eye. Then I'll take my turn driving while he gets a little sleep. And HOPEFULLY, the kids will sleep most of the way there. I am looking forward to spendng time with my husband. Our schedules are so different, sometimes days go by that we don't get to see each other..or talk to one another except by phone. It's hard...and I hate it.
This will be the first time we have gone on a LONG trip with just his kids. My youngest son is still at his dad's enjoying a vacation in Florida. My 19yr old has opted to stay here and house/dog watch since he has to work. And of course, my oldest (22) doesn't live with me.
We are taking a 10yr old, 11yr old, and 14yr old. Sleeping good...fighting bad.
Had the kids make a list of snacks they wanted to take on the trip. Got the usual...chips, chex mix...etc. However, one of them asked for fruit to take on the trip, and another one wanted baked pita chips and hummus dip. Maybe I'm starting to rub off on them. Now...if I could just get my husband on board (whole different discussion to be saved for another day).
I am taking my weights with me. That way I know I will at least be able to work out some. My ankles have been giving me problems again. It was to the point last night that there was no way I would be able to do cardio or ride my bike. They were swollen and the right was painful. After I did some household chores and got some things together for our trip, I sat and iced my ankle, took a diuretic(as the doctor suggested)to get rid of any fluid buildup, and then I did my nails.
Honestly, I can't believe how depressed I was because I couldn't exercise. It is very frustrating. I have this fear that I'm going to gain back the weight that I have lost. I just had to keep telling myself that one day of not exercising is not the end of the world...but still
On another front, if you read an earlier post about my search for a bathing suit, I did find one! Yay! Bought it at Kohl's. I did buy two separate pieces that are two different sizes. And it's exactly what I was looking for...and better yet...on SALE!
Took the 10yr old step-daughter with me (it's nice to have a girl to go shopping with you. - She's the only girl...yep 5 boys and 1 girl). Her mom bought her a bathing suit not even a few weeks ago before she went to camp. But the shoulder strap has almost ripped all the way off and the counselors at camp told her that her suit was too small. We looked at swimsuits for her too while there and found a cute 3pc suit. The top is a tankini...doesn't show her mid-section. Has regular swim bottoms and then a little swim skirt that goes over the bottoms. It's black and hot pink. Very cute and modest. Was a little worried though when we got home and she shouted out to her brothers, "Hey, come look at my sexy new swimsuit!"..whoa...sexy?
Gotta have a talk with this girl.
Jumping to another subject (I know, I'm all over the place with this post), my personal trainer sent me a very apologetic email about missing our appointment. He said it was just making him sick that this happened and offered me free personal training sessions for as long as I wanted if I would just give him another chance. He promised that he would help me reach all my goals. So, we are going to start new on July 7 and see where it goes. You see, I want to run a 5K before my next birthday.
Well, getting late and I need to get ready for work. Hope everyone has a most excellent and HEALTHY Friday!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I am on a Journey, Not in a Race
I have had this blog title rolling around in my head for quite some time now. There are mornings when I hop in the shower after working out, and there it is, just floating in my brain. Funny the things that you think about in the shower. My mind would start drifting away thinking of what I wanted to say. And now that I'm actually writing, I can't seem to remember what I discussed with myself during those thought filled showers.
So, I'm just going to shoot this one from the hip.
There are some who look at losing weight the same way as running in a race. You have a starting place and a finish line and the quicker you get past the finish line, the better. A race can usually be a fairly short distance. It's usually on level ground (think running track), and your focus is simply to get past the finish line and do it in the shortest amount of time possible. You don't look to your left or right..you don't notice anything around you. Again, you just want to get to the finish line.
What do you think of when you say "journey". To me, there is no time limit. There are hills and valleys to cross...ups and downs. You have time to think, to observe, to learn and to understand. When you are on a journey, you are not focused on crossing a finish line, because there isn't one to cross. When you are on a journey, your focus is not just on that final number where you want to be, but everything else in between that will get you there.
I am on a journey...I don't know when or if it will ever be over...only I get to decide that...not a line drawn somewhere with the words "Finished" painted on it.
I am on a journey...I know that there will be bumps along the way, but it will not stop me.
I am on a journey...I know that I can't do it alone, I need help and support.
I am on a journey...I can take the time and get to know me again.
I am on a journey...I know time is not a factor.
I am on a journey...I will learn to use this time wisely and make good choices.
I hope your journey takes you to new, wonderful and exciting places!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Just a Little This and That

So yesterday, I didn't post any now pictures. I know, I know...the before pics don't do any good with out a now pic to compare it to. I had every intention of posting one. Even had my stepson take a picture of me. But when I looked at it, honestly, I felt a little disappointed. Did I really look like that? I deleted the picture and vowed to try again another day thinking maybe a different outfit will make me look better.
I used my DVD - Dance Off the Inches yesterday morning. It's a 30 minute DVD and boy was I sweating when it was done! But I felt so good when I was through. I think I'm finally getting the hang of the DVD and I can do it all the way through without having to stop and catch my breath - progress.
I had had planned to go to they gym during my lunch and get on the treadmill. I never thought I would miss being on the treadmill, but I do. Unfortunately, I packed my gym clothes and conveniently left them on the kitchen table. Sigh.
After getting home from work, I made dinner for me and the kids...veggie soy burgers for the two vegetarians and turkey burgers for me and step-daughter. I had put all the fixins on the counter. When I asked step-daughter if she wanted anything on her burger, she wanted to know if she could have bacon. I don't know what it is with that girl and bacon. That is all I hear about is how much she loves bacon.
I rode 11.5 mile on the stationary bike, and worked up another good sweat. I used to hate to sweat. But now, when I do, I think, "Wow, I must be working really hard."
It's a great feeling.
I've been trying to get in more water during the day. I really need to start logging my water intake to see how much I'm really getting. I'm also trying to make sure that I get enough raw vegetables and fruit in everyday. You know, it's really not that hard. Eating this way is becoming more and more of just a habit...a habit I plan on continuing.
Let's see, anything else.....oh yeah. I have my second meeting with the personal trainer during my lunch today. All I know is that he said he was going to some bootcamp thing this past weekend and he wanted to incorporate some of that today. So, I have no idea what I'm in for. I am glad to have someone to really push me to my limit.
I have had tendonitis in my ankle so I just need to watch it and keep it iced when needed and take some ibuprofen. I'm determined not to let it slow me down or keep me from getting my exercise in.
Well, I guess that's it for now. Hope everyone has a great day.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Some Before Pictures
I haven't posted any before and during pictures. I had to really look for some before pictures, because I have always hated having my picture taken. Even now, when I look at a photo, I think, "Do I really look like that?" In the pictures, I see the bags under my eyes, the double chin, and a mouth that looks too big for my face.
So, here are a couple of before pictures I found. Maybe I can talk someone into taking a couple of now pics and post them as well.
Sorry, I couldn't find any with me standing up. The first picture is pretty much how I felt all the time - worn out and exhausted. Now, I find that I do have more energy. Wow...I can actually stay awake past 8 pm!
I'll try and post some "now" photos later today.
So, here are a couple of before pictures I found. Maybe I can talk someone into taking a couple of now pics and post them as well.
Sorry, I couldn't find any with me standing up. The first picture is pretty much how I felt all the time - worn out and exhausted. Now, I find that I do have more energy. Wow...I can actually stay awake past 8 pm!
I'll try and post some "now" photos later today.
What's all the Hype about Fiber?
When I started on this journey, my main focus was to get healthy and be able to lead a more healthy lifestyle. Losing weight is just part of the transition.
I started trying to read everything I could get my hands on. What I like the most and could relate to was The Biggest Loser - 6 Weeks to a Healthier You.. It helps to explain what our body needs and why it needs it.
We have watched commercials about this food or that food is high in fiber. We have seen food in the store where the box states "high in fiber". It seems everywhere you look, foods that are high in fiber are the latest craze. But why? What does fiber do for our bodies? All I have seen on commercials is that it is good for your heart.
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate. Our bodies cannot absorb it, so it needs to be replinished. There are two types of fibers: Soluble fiber and Insoluble fiber. Each performs differently in our bodies.
Soluble fiber will dissolve in water and become a gel like substance in your digestive tract. Sounds gross, but this is important because it will help trap fat and cholesterol so can't get through the wall of your intestine and into your bloodstream. Therefore, the fat and cholesterol won't reach your heart.
Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and improves your digestion. (I'm sure you have heard people complain about constipation - they need more fiber).
How much fiber should we strive to add to our diet? The National Institute for Health recommends at least 5 grams of soluble fiber a day in addition to insoluble fiber. You should try and get 10-25 grams of fiber per day into your diet.
So how can you do this? What foods are fiber rich?
**For soluble fiber, eat plenty of fruits, beans and whole grains.
**For insoluble fiber, try some of these: cauliflower, brussellsprouts, cabbage, whole wheat breads, and wheat bran.
**Try and stay away from the "white stuff" (more on that later), such as white bread and white rice and go for their whole grain counterparts.
**With your veggies, make sure you are getting some raw veggies in your diet (especially those with skin)- they have the most fiber. When you cook these veggies, it could reduce the fiber content.
**Make sure that when you are increasing your fiber intact, that you are drinking plenty of water which will help to keep your digestive tract moving.
**Don't forget about those snacks! Try air popped popcorn, small serving of dried fruit, whole wheat crackers, or a small serving (2 tbsp) of humus.
All in all, eating fiber is an excellent way to help protect our heart from fat and cholesterol. Which is why on the Cheerios commercials you hear them say it will help to lower your cholesterol. Now you know why and how. It also helps aid in the health of our digestive system.
So the challenge for today is look at the foods that you are eating - are you getting enough fiber? Find ways to incorporate more fiber in your diet.
I started trying to read everything I could get my hands on. What I like the most and could relate to was The Biggest Loser - 6 Weeks to a Healthier You.. It helps to explain what our body needs and why it needs it.
We have watched commercials about this food or that food is high in fiber. We have seen food in the store where the box states "high in fiber". It seems everywhere you look, foods that are high in fiber are the latest craze. But why? What does fiber do for our bodies? All I have seen on commercials is that it is good for your heart.
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate. Our bodies cannot absorb it, so it needs to be replinished. There are two types of fibers: Soluble fiber and Insoluble fiber. Each performs differently in our bodies.
Soluble fiber will dissolve in water and become a gel like substance in your digestive tract. Sounds gross, but this is important because it will help trap fat and cholesterol so can't get through the wall of your intestine and into your bloodstream. Therefore, the fat and cholesterol won't reach your heart.
Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and improves your digestion. (I'm sure you have heard people complain about constipation - they need more fiber).
How much fiber should we strive to add to our diet? The National Institute for Health recommends at least 5 grams of soluble fiber a day in addition to insoluble fiber. You should try and get 10-25 grams of fiber per day into your diet.
So how can you do this? What foods are fiber rich?
**For soluble fiber, eat plenty of fruits, beans and whole grains.
**For insoluble fiber, try some of these: cauliflower, brussellsprouts, cabbage, whole wheat breads, and wheat bran.
**Try and stay away from the "white stuff" (more on that later), such as white bread and white rice and go for their whole grain counterparts.
**With your veggies, make sure you are getting some raw veggies in your diet (especially those with skin)- they have the most fiber. When you cook these veggies, it could reduce the fiber content.
**Make sure that when you are increasing your fiber intact, that you are drinking plenty of water which will help to keep your digestive tract moving.
**Don't forget about those snacks! Try air popped popcorn, small serving of dried fruit, whole wheat crackers, or a small serving (2 tbsp) of humus.
All in all, eating fiber is an excellent way to help protect our heart from fat and cholesterol. Which is why on the Cheerios commercials you hear them say it will help to lower your cholesterol. Now you know why and how. It also helps aid in the health of our digestive system.
So the challenge for today is look at the foods that you are eating - are you getting enough fiber? Find ways to incorporate more fiber in your diet.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Letting it All Hang Out (Or should I say, tryin' not to)
We are going on a mini vacation soon. I haven't been in a bathing suit in years and decided it would be nice to be able to carry one on this trip. Seems simple enough...WRONG!
Since losing weight, my waist, hips and but have shrunk (which I am very thankful for) from a size 16-18 to a size 12. However, even though I have lost 6 inches in my chest froma 44 to a 38, my cup size hasn't budged. I am stil a DD bordering on a DDD.
Can you see my problem?
In order to fit me on top, everything else is too big. I decided to get separates. You know where you can buy the top separate from the bottom because they are not sold in sets. Seems like a solution, except the tops were marked from small to large and I found a couple that were marked D. The good news is that they did carry the kind of bottom I wanted - one with a skirt attached - I want something that will cover up my hiney.
When I got home, I searched online for DD bathing suits and was able to locate some that I liked. But, I just don't think I can bring myself to pay $80.00 or more for just a bathing suit top.
The search continues. Hoping I can find something that fits at a reasonable price.
I know this is a short post. Maybe I'll be able to post more later.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
My Meeting with the Personal Trainer

My first meeting with the personal trainer went well, at least I think it did. Yes, my feet were swollen before I arrived. But I shoved them in my sneakers anyway. I was determined I wasn't going to let that hold me back.
He had me warm up on the treadmill for 10 minutes, starting out at 3.0 mph and increased to 3.5. This was all at an incline of 0. I'm used to an incline between 3.5 and 5 and speed of 3.0. So, this was pretty easy for me. He talked to me the whole time and I had to talk back so he could see that I was able to speak during this...it helps to determine if you are working too hard.
Next we moved on to the machines. When I go to the gym by myself, I am always intimadated by them because they have to be adjusted and I don't want to look like an idiot when I can't get them properly adjusted.
Today he wanted to work on push and pull techniques - alternating between upper body and lower body. Started with push on lower body, then moved to pull on upper body and continued to rotate in that manner. I have to tell you, I LOVE working on the weight/strengthening machines!
I learned that even though I have been working out with weights, that my upper body strength still sucks...but I'm gonna work on improving that.
I worked out about a total of 45 minutes and this was all done during my lunch hour!
I feel more confident that when I go back to the gym by myself that I will be able to adjust and use the machines without looking stupid. I will repeat this routine every other day. 1 day with a trainer and 2 days without. You are supposed to give your muscles a day in between to rebuild after breaking them down.
I will meet with the trainer again next Wednesday, same time. He said he is going to a bootcamp this weekend and wants to incorporate some of that next time we meet. So, we will see what surprises are in store next week.
All in all, it feels really good knowing that this is something that I am doing for me. And not only is it for me...but I'm the one making it happen!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Life is What it is - Unpredictable

Even the best plans and intentions can be thrown a curve ball when reality is standing on the pitcher's mound.
Remember my post yesterday about how you have some good days, some bad days, yadda yadda yadda....MMMM...I think that might have a been a premonition of things to come.
Yesterday, I come home from a crazy busy day at work. I was mentally exhausted. I needed to thaw something out in the microwave so I could cook dinner. The outlets in the kitchen had tripped - again. No power for the microwave, coffee maker, can opener...
So I thought, no problem, I'll carry the microwave over to my island where there is a plug that is not on the same circuit. So I pick up this heavy microwave, carry it over to the island. When I go to plug it in...the plug won't reach. So, again I thought, no problem, I'll get the extension cord. I go out to the garage and finally locate the extension cord and plug it in. I take the microwave plug and go to plug it into the extension cord - the microwave has a 3-prong plug....the extension cord is not made for a 3-prong cord. AGH!!! So by this time, my son is asking me if he and his brother can just cook a pizza. I said, "Go for it". I ate the salad that I had made for lunch, but didn't have enough time to eat. And that was that.
After checking the computer - facebook, email, blog, I decide to go ahead and change out of my work clothes into something to workout. While changing, I look down at my feet. OMG! My ankles and tops of my feet have swollen up like giant balloons! I immediately go get on the couch and put my feet up. My son brought me over the pamphlet for the antibiotics I started last Wed for the urinary bladder infection I had last week. Sure enough, one of the possible side effects/allergic reactions is swelling of the ankles. I make a call to the doc on call and explain the situation. His advice...immediately stop taking the antibiotic, stay off feet for a couple of days until the meds leave your body, ice it when you can, drink plenty of fluids and said I could take a diuretic if I wanted to help get rid of the excess fluid. Basically, what he was telling me is "no, you cannot ride your bike. no you do not need to get up and do aerobic excercise."
Once again, I was not able to get in a good workout yesterday. I feel like a giant water balloon. When I went to bed, I had to take my rings off because my hands had started swelling. This was a big deal that my rings started feeling tight because since I had lost weight, my rings have been very loose, almost to the point that I am afraid that they might actually fall off if I'm not careful. So, having them actually cut into my fingers is a little worrisome.
Here it is morning and some of the swelling has gone down in my feet because I have not been on them in hours. They still feel tight and I'm sure once I start moving around, I'll see the swelling agin. My hands feel tight and I'm sure to someone else, they don't look swollen at all.
I'm still going to go to my personal training session today, even if I'm a giant water balloon.
Tomorrow is my weigh in day, and I'm sure due to the lack of exercise and the additional fluids my body has seemed to want to retain, I will end up with a weight gain. We'll see. If I do, at least I'll know why and also know that the next week the additional weight should be gone and then some.
Don't let life totally derail you from the plans you made....you just might have to take a detour for a while.
One Day at a Time
*note added later - I forgot to mention that I met with the dentist to discuss the work that my son needed to have done to his teeth. I was in shock when handed a detail price summary for all the work needed for a (drum roll please) cost of $6,902.00 - and this is AFTER the insurance has paid.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
What's on My Mind
So, I woke up this morning struggling about what I wanted to post this morning. I'm just going to say what is on my mind right at this moment.
Not everyday is going to be a great day. You just have to accept it. There will be ups and downs, wonderful days and sucky days, days you feel you can take on the world and days that you just feel defeated. It's all in how we deal with those less than perfect days that count. Do you turn to food? I know in the past, that was part of my problem. When I felt that I was being caught beneath an avalanche of stress and problems, I turned to food....whatever was in the house at the time; cookies, brownies, ice cream, potato chips - I mean anything. You know its bad when you seek out the chocolate can of frosting and after eating half way through the can, you try and hide it - 1. so no one else will get into it and 2. so no one will know your secret. It's a vicious cycle. Feel bad; eat(need that instant gratification); then feel even worse for eating what you just ate.
So now, I still have those days when I feel that everything in the world is wrong, when stress and pressure build up making me want to scream. But now I know that eating junk doesn't make the problems go away, or even make them better. In fact, it just adds to the problem and would make me feel guilty and depressed. When I have a less than perfect day, I now turn to exercise. It gets my hear rate up, it makes me feel stronger, it makes me feel more in control of me. I am in control of how I react to stress...I make the choices. Food is no longer in control...fear is no longer in control. Is there temptations to turn to food....sure! There are still sweets in my pantry along with the chips (sorry, but the frosting had to go), there is ice cream in the freezer. But, I am in control of the choices I make.
I told my family and others, one thing I would really like to have at home....a punching bag. I think it would be great exercise and a great way to let out built up stress and frustrations. Hmmm... I might just have to check in to getting one....SOON! (if you have teenagers, you can relate - and if your kids are still small, sorry, but whatever you are going through is nothing compared to the teenage years so brace yourself now!)
One more thing, I am taking another step outside of my comfort zone by going to meet with a personal trainer tomorrow. I'm really excited and nervous at the same time. There are some goals that I have set for myself and I think by doing this, it will help me reach them. I want to run a 5K. This would be a really big deal for me because I have never been able to run. So, I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday. Don't let food and fear control you!
Not everyday is going to be a great day. You just have to accept it. There will be ups and downs, wonderful days and sucky days, days you feel you can take on the world and days that you just feel defeated. It's all in how we deal with those less than perfect days that count. Do you turn to food? I know in the past, that was part of my problem. When I felt that I was being caught beneath an avalanche of stress and problems, I turned to food....whatever was in the house at the time; cookies, brownies, ice cream, potato chips - I mean anything. You know its bad when you seek out the chocolate can of frosting and after eating half way through the can, you try and hide it - 1. so no one else will get into it and 2. so no one will know your secret. It's a vicious cycle. Feel bad; eat(need that instant gratification); then feel even worse for eating what you just ate.
So now, I still have those days when I feel that everything in the world is wrong, when stress and pressure build up making me want to scream. But now I know that eating junk doesn't make the problems go away, or even make them better. In fact, it just adds to the problem and would make me feel guilty and depressed. When I have a less than perfect day, I now turn to exercise. It gets my hear rate up, it makes me feel stronger, it makes me feel more in control of me. I am in control of how I react to stress...I make the choices. Food is no longer in control...fear is no longer in control. Is there temptations to turn to food....sure! There are still sweets in my pantry along with the chips (sorry, but the frosting had to go), there is ice cream in the freezer. But, I am in control of the choices I make.
I told my family and others, one thing I would really like to have at home....a punching bag. I think it would be great exercise and a great way to let out built up stress and frustrations. Hmmm... I might just have to check in to getting one....SOON! (if you have teenagers, you can relate - and if your kids are still small, sorry, but whatever you are going through is nothing compared to the teenage years so brace yourself now!)
One more thing, I am taking another step outside of my comfort zone by going to meet with a personal trainer tomorrow. I'm really excited and nervous at the same time. There are some goals that I have set for myself and I think by doing this, it will help me reach them. I want to run a 5K. This would be a really big deal for me because I have never been able to run. So, I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday. Don't let food and fear control you!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Anyone up for a competition?
Sometimes competitions are just the ticket to getting and staying motivated (just look at Biggest Loser!).
Don't want to go that extreme? This weekend I stumbled across a website that offers people a chance to compete with others...and you don't have to travel anywhere. You can do it no matter where you are at.
Check out Weight Loss Wars at www.weightlosswars.com. Click here and it will take you to their site. I have also included the link on the sidebar under Websites I like to Visit. The site membership is free. However, some of the competitions may require an entry fee, so read carefully before deciding to join any competition.
Currently, they have two competitions that will be starting soon...one on June 21, and one on July 3. Both require a small entry fee between $10. and $25. and both have cash reward prizes. I am actually thinking of joining both competitions. I have also joined the local Lose It to Win It competition which runs until 8/12/10 and it based on percentage of weight loss. I don't really expect to win that one because there are at least 100 people entered...but it's not always about winning.
On to another subject.....MENU MONDAYS
I have had people ask me what about meals and meal planning. I make out a menu either on Saturday or Sunday morning. From my menu, I make out a dinner menu. I usually post my menu somewhere in the kitchen, like the fridge. It helps me by reducing the stress of coming home and wondering what I'm going to fix for dinner, and it helps everyone else stop wondering the same thing. I mean, how many times can I hear "What's for dinner" - it really gets annoying. So now everyone knows up front and can make up their mind if they like it or don't like it. But guess what...if you don't like it, that's tough. (I know that sounds mean). But that's the way it is. When you have 7 people to feed, you are not going to please everyone all the time (unless you feed them pizza 7 days a week).
Wow, I really got off the subject. A N Y W A Y....... I go grocery shopping on Sundays. If you look on the right hand side, I have posted my Dinner menu for this week - and I will try and do so every Monday. Some of the recipes might be included under Dish of the Day. However, if there is a recipe that you want, just leave me a comment along with your email address and I'll get it to you.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Did you relax a little? How did you do on your eating plan? Did you get any exercise in?
I had a great weekend! Saturday, I moved furniture. We bought new furniture the weekend before and it finally came in Saturday. But before we could pick up the new furniture, the old had to be moved out of the way. Well....my husband and son were still asleep Saturday morning and I thought...I can do this! I moved a double reclining sofa out of my living room all by myself and I have the bruises to prove it! I got it all the way into the hall and wanted to move it into the computer room, but it got stuck in the doorway. Ughh! So I had to wait until hubby woke up because it needed to be turned sideways...and you HAVE to have to people to do that.
But still...I was pretty proud of myself. That couch was super heavy and I proved to myself that I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was.
I didn't stray from my eating plan (good). Yesterday I worked out with my weights. I just couldn't sit still...so I was constantly moving - probably drove my husband nuts...oh well.
Well, getting late this morning and I want to try and get some bike riding in before getting ready for work. Hope everyone has a great Monday!
Don't want to go that extreme? This weekend I stumbled across a website that offers people a chance to compete with others...and you don't have to travel anywhere. You can do it no matter where you are at.
Check out Weight Loss Wars at www.weightlosswars.com. Click here and it will take you to their site. I have also included the link on the sidebar under Websites I like to Visit. The site membership is free. However, some of the competitions may require an entry fee, so read carefully before deciding to join any competition.
Currently, they have two competitions that will be starting soon...one on June 21, and one on July 3. Both require a small entry fee between $10. and $25. and both have cash reward prizes. I am actually thinking of joining both competitions. I have also joined the local Lose It to Win It competition which runs until 8/12/10 and it based on percentage of weight loss. I don't really expect to win that one because there are at least 100 people entered...but it's not always about winning.
On to another subject.....MENU MONDAYS
I have had people ask me what about meals and meal planning. I make out a menu either on Saturday or Sunday morning. From my menu, I make out a dinner menu. I usually post my menu somewhere in the kitchen, like the fridge. It helps me by reducing the stress of coming home and wondering what I'm going to fix for dinner, and it helps everyone else stop wondering the same thing. I mean, how many times can I hear "What's for dinner" - it really gets annoying. So now everyone knows up front and can make up their mind if they like it or don't like it. But guess what...if you don't like it, that's tough. (I know that sounds mean). But that's the way it is. When you have 7 people to feed, you are not going to please everyone all the time (unless you feed them pizza 7 days a week).
Wow, I really got off the subject. A N Y W A Y....... I go grocery shopping on Sundays. If you look on the right hand side, I have posted my Dinner menu for this week - and I will try and do so every Monday. Some of the recipes might be included under Dish of the Day. However, if there is a recipe that you want, just leave me a comment along with your email address and I'll get it to you.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Did you relax a little? How did you do on your eating plan? Did you get any exercise in?
I had a great weekend! Saturday, I moved furniture. We bought new furniture the weekend before and it finally came in Saturday. But before we could pick up the new furniture, the old had to be moved out of the way. Well....my husband and son were still asleep Saturday morning and I thought...I can do this! I moved a double reclining sofa out of my living room all by myself and I have the bruises to prove it! I got it all the way into the hall and wanted to move it into the computer room, but it got stuck in the doorway. Ughh! So I had to wait until hubby woke up because it needed to be turned sideways...and you HAVE to have to people to do that.
But still...I was pretty proud of myself. That couch was super heavy and I proved to myself that I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was.
I didn't stray from my eating plan (good). Yesterday I worked out with my weights. I just couldn't sit still...so I was constantly moving - probably drove my husband nuts...oh well.
Well, getting late this morning and I want to try and get some bike riding in before getting ready for work. Hope everyone has a great Monday!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Workin' For the Weekends...
Don't know why that song popped into my head. Yes, I am a child of the 80's...what a fun decade!
I had been mulling over a more serious post this morning as I was in bed, but I think I'll save it for Monday.
I love my weekends! I don't go off track, but I do cut myself a little slack for these two days. For instance before, I was a big time coffee drinker. I would drink it all day long. I didn't care what time of day it was, or what the temp might be outside, I would have my glorious cup of coffee in my hand. I didn't use any type of artifical sweetener, sugar only. And my creamer of choice had to be the liquid Coffee Mate or International Delight caramel flavored. We're talking about at least 8 cups of coffee with sweeteners. That really adds up! I still love coffee, but I have made adjustments. Monday thru Friday I start off my day with a cup of coffee with Truvia sweetener, and about 1 Tbsp of 2% milk. If I want some flavor, I'll add a little cinnamon. And that's it...1 cup of coffee in the morning. The caffiene will help to give your metabolism that little boost it needs to kick in. Now, before I get blasted, let me say that coffee is not necessarily bad for you...it is when you load it up. But for me, drinking coffee all day kept me from drinking what I really needed....WATER. So now, I have my one cup of coffee and it satifies me and the rest of the day I drink my water.
Now, back to what I started off saying about cutting myself some slack. On the weekends, I do not limit my coffee drinking to the one cup in the morning. I give myself permission to drink as many as I want. Let's just say, it's my little treat to myself. I have noticed that I really don't want to drink it all day long anymore...but I know I can, if I want to.
On the weekends, I am not as rigid about my excercising as I am during the week. Yes, I do get it in. I have discovered I am an excersise junkie. What I mean about not being rigid is I don't say, "O.K....I'm going to ride my bike for 3 miles starting at 10:00 and then I'll do 1/2 hour of strength training". I fit it in/around whatever my plans are on the weekend. The weekends are when I spend time with my family doing whatever we get up and decide to do. There are rainy days when we watch movies, and sometimes I'll ride my bike during the entire movie. Sometimes, we might be doing stuff outside (and you'll workout and not even realize it). It's o.k. to go do things without worrying that you need to hurry up so you can get to they gym, or I really need to get home so I can get workout done before I go to bed.
The point to all these ramblings is that you NEED to cut yourself some slack sometime and know its o.k. to do so. CAUTION....this does NOT mean throw everything out and just be a lazy cheesecake eatin' couch potato.
If you are finding it hard to give yourself permission to relax or cut yourself a little slack on the weekends because you feel guilty, just tell yourself, "It's o.k., Angela gave me permission".
Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday...get out there and enjoy yourself!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Ladies, We Need Support - (and I don't mean just from our bras!)

Like a good bra, we all need support. People who will lift us up, help to point us in the right direction and make us look and feel good about ourselves. When your support system lets you down and you feel saggy and draggy...you know it's time to find new support.
Having a good support system is vital in your efforts to lose weight and change your lifestyle. You need to surround yourself with positive people who will share in your victories, encourage and motivate you when you need it, and never....let me say that again...never put you down when you mess up.
I have been very fortunate and want to go ahead and thank everyone who has been there for me. Thanks to my husband who first encouraged me to seek out a doctor who would help me with my medical issues. My husband has been willing to step out of his box and try new foods without complaining (much), he always tells me that I'm beautiful - even when I don't feel it, he has made a point of noticing my efforts and letting me know how proud he is. Thank you to my kids, who have not once made fun of me when trying out a new excercise. My son told me he will be my personal motivator when I think I'm too tired to push any further - and he has! He has gone to the gym with me, took over the cooking for a whole week - making sure everything was healthy!
Thank you to my mom, who has ALWAYS believed in me, even when I haven't believed in myself. Thank you to my co-workers. You may not know it, but you have been a big inspiration. I honestly don't know if I could have made it this far without the support of my co-workers. They have cheered me on, right from the beginning. Thank you to the people from my online support group. It has been great hearing your success stories, and life-saving to know I'm not alone.
As you can see from above, there are so many places you can seek support. My advice is to surround yourself with positive, encouraging people. Human emotion is contagious. I promise, if you are around people with a positive, optimistic outlook on life...you will catch it. Your attitude will change. You will start hearing yourself say, "I CAN DO IT!"
On the other hand, if you are around people who complain, whine, and just are generally miserable, it will bring you down. Try and stay away from those type people. I call them emotional vampires. They will drain you of any positive, happy, emotion you might have and bring you down where they are. Believe or not, these people are happy being miserable and they want you to be just as miserable as them.
**If your family doesn't encourage and support you in your efforts, you will need to look elsewhere. Face it, we all need positive affirmation. Most towns have some type of support group you can join. See if your location has a TOPS (taking off pounds sensibly), Weight Watchers, or Overeater Anonymous. Usually, these type groups meet once a week. If your location doesn't have one of these, why don't you start your own group?
**Online support groups are great as well. They offer the anonymity that some people like. If they don't really know you, they can't hurt you. You can post/write whatever you want...bad days, good days, victories and someone will always be there to write back. They are also a great source of inspiration and new ideas.
**Start a blog. It's a great way to tell your story. You know...sometimes your greatest supporter is yourself. Of course, it works both ways...sometimes your biggest enemy is yourself. Which side are you gonna pick?
**Let everyone know what you are doing. Ask them for their support. Tell your co-workers, let your neighbors know (if you are close), tell your friends. Believe me, you will quickly find out which ones are going to be your best supporters and motivators.
**Find a chubby buddy. This is someone who is at the same point you are. Someone you can call when you really want to eat that piece of chocolate cake, but need someone to talk you out of it. Maybe its someone you can go to the gym with so you don't feel like you stick out.
Don't ever think that you are embarking on this journey alone. You are not. Look around. There are so many of us out there that are considered overweight or obese. You can't tell by looking which ones have started changing their lives or which ones want to, but just don't have the know how or the courage to do so.
Well, I need to get off my soapbox for now. Gotta get ready for work.
Don't ya just love Fridays!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
7 Ways to Increase Your Metabolism
This article was posted on FitWatch.com
Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just wanting to maintain your sleek physique, boosting your metabolism to a higher rate is always a good idea. There are several ways to give your metabolism an extra push — including exercising early in the day — but eating can also be a factor in its elevation.
Increasing your metabolism means your body burns calories at a higher rate. So if your metabolism is high, it’s burning calories even when you aren’t working hard at the gym. A sluggish metabolism can cause you to gain weight, because you’re consuming more than your body is burning.
Here are 7 ways to boost your metabolism, so you can burn fat fast:
■The first thing you need to do is add breakfast to your daily meal planner. Although many people don’t like eating breakfast, it gives your body the rev up it needs to launch your metabolism. A 250-calorie snack is all it takes to boost your metabolism in the morning.
■Another way to increase your metabolism is to add spices to your food. According to the U.S. Agricultural Research Service, Cinnamon is one spice that increases your metabolism twentyfold — and all you have to ingest is a mere 1/4 to 1 tsp per day!
■While you’re planning your meals, you may want to add kiwi fruit to your diet. Kiwis pack a lot of vitamin C, but if you add 500 mg of it to your day, you burn up to 39% more fat when you’re exercising. Don’t get too much C, though, because once you get to the 2,000 mg mark, you start experiencing adverse effects like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
■Another metabolism boosting measure is to watch what you drink. Adding ice to a drink makes your body work harder because it has to heat it up in your stomach, which increases your metabolism. Also, ingesting a caffeine drink like coffee or tea can raise your heart rate and increase your metabolism.
■Where you’re eating can be just as important as what you’re eating. When you’re having breakfast in the morning, try positioning yourself near a window so that you can soak up some sun. The bright light boosts your metabolism and also helps you increase bone and muscle strength.
■Make sure you’re getting enough chromium in your diet to help your body burn more calories. Chromium, which is found in tomatoes and in a supplement form, also boosts the way you burn fat. According to MedlinePlus, meat, eggs, green pepper, apples, banana and spinach are also good sources of chromium. When you supplement 120 mcg of chromium daily, your body benefits by revving up its metabolism.
■If you really want to kick-start your metabolism, you may also try dividing your meals up into smaller portions that you eat more often throughout the day. Every time you eat, it helps your metabolism rise, so as strange as it may sound, eating frequently can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
For more ways to boost your metabolism, check out bestselling author, speaker and coach Christopher Guerriero’s best seller: Maximize Your Metabolism. It’s an international best seller now available in electronic form — which means you can download it right away! You’ll get free updates, plus lots of free bonuses. Visit the official site: Maximize Your Metabolism
Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just wanting to maintain your sleek physique, boosting your metabolism to a higher rate is always a good idea. There are several ways to give your metabolism an extra push — including exercising early in the day — but eating can also be a factor in its elevation.
Increasing your metabolism means your body burns calories at a higher rate. So if your metabolism is high, it’s burning calories even when you aren’t working hard at the gym. A sluggish metabolism can cause you to gain weight, because you’re consuming more than your body is burning.
Here are 7 ways to boost your metabolism, so you can burn fat fast:
■The first thing you need to do is add breakfast to your daily meal planner. Although many people don’t like eating breakfast, it gives your body the rev up it needs to launch your metabolism. A 250-calorie snack is all it takes to boost your metabolism in the morning.
■Another way to increase your metabolism is to add spices to your food. According to the U.S. Agricultural Research Service, Cinnamon is one spice that increases your metabolism twentyfold — and all you have to ingest is a mere 1/4 to 1 tsp per day!
■While you’re planning your meals, you may want to add kiwi fruit to your diet. Kiwis pack a lot of vitamin C, but if you add 500 mg of it to your day, you burn up to 39% more fat when you’re exercising. Don’t get too much C, though, because once you get to the 2,000 mg mark, you start experiencing adverse effects like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
■Another metabolism boosting measure is to watch what you drink. Adding ice to a drink makes your body work harder because it has to heat it up in your stomach, which increases your metabolism. Also, ingesting a caffeine drink like coffee or tea can raise your heart rate and increase your metabolism.
■Where you’re eating can be just as important as what you’re eating. When you’re having breakfast in the morning, try positioning yourself near a window so that you can soak up some sun. The bright light boosts your metabolism and also helps you increase bone and muscle strength.
■Make sure you’re getting enough chromium in your diet to help your body burn more calories. Chromium, which is found in tomatoes and in a supplement form, also boosts the way you burn fat. According to MedlinePlus, meat, eggs, green pepper, apples, banana and spinach are also good sources of chromium. When you supplement 120 mcg of chromium daily, your body benefits by revving up its metabolism.
■If you really want to kick-start your metabolism, you may also try dividing your meals up into smaller portions that you eat more often throughout the day. Every time you eat, it helps your metabolism rise, so as strange as it may sound, eating frequently can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
For more ways to boost your metabolism, check out bestselling author, speaker and coach Christopher Guerriero’s best seller: Maximize Your Metabolism. It’s an international best seller now available in electronic form — which means you can download it right away! You’ll get free updates, plus lots of free bonuses. Visit the official site: Maximize Your Metabolism
What's For Breakfast?
I had someone ask me yesterday about what to feed their kids for breakfast that would be healthy and nutritious.
Let me start off by saying this...I am not a registered dietician or a nutritionist. I'm just a mom who has embarked on this journey to a more healthy lifestyle. It has taken me a little over 43 years to get here. If you are younger than that...congrats on deciding to make the change early. If you are older than that...it's NEVER too late!
With that being said, there is nothing wrong with giving your kids cereal for breakfast. Just read the label...stay away from sugary cereals. You are not doing your kids any favors by feeding them those type of cereals.
You want to look for whole grain type cereals with at least 5g fiber per serving. We usually keep the following two boxes of cereals in our house -
Special K - Cinnamon Pecan and Quaker Cinnamon Oatmeal Squares. As you can see, yes we like cinnamon. The Special K acutally has less fiber and protein. The Quaker Oatmeal Squares have 5g fiber and 6g protein.
If your kids like oatmeal, that's a great easy breakfast to serve. Just add 1/4 cup of fruit and your set. Kashi is a great oatmeal choice. Right now, I have Village Farm Whole Grain Oatmeal in my pantry. I add about 1/4 cup of fresh blueberries to round it out. You can check out the nutritional value here.
If your family are big egg eaters, consider using the egg whites only. You still get a great amount of protein without the cholesterol and added fat. If you are unsure about using egg whites because you think it might not have the yellow color...try using 2 egg whites and one whole egg.
I have included some great egg recipes under Dish of the Day on the right hand side.
The Egg bites are great for families on the go or for kids because they can eat them with their hands.
One more thing before I go. I have been guilty of this in the past. When I was younger and I worked full time and my kids were in daycare, I was sooo rushed in the morning. My kids were lucky to get a powdered donut for breakfast when they got to daycare. Do not do this....I repeat....Do NOT DO THIS! Make the time...get up early, fix breakfast or part of it the night before.
I'm not saying that you can't ever give your kids donuts for breakfast....Just limit when you do it...maybe you do it on Saturday mornings as a special treat, follow up with some kind of fruit. Also, limit it to one donut. Don't let them eat them until they make themselves sick.
Well, gotta go. Hope this has given some of you some new ideas. Keep those questions coming!
Let me start off by saying this...I am not a registered dietician or a nutritionist. I'm just a mom who has embarked on this journey to a more healthy lifestyle. It has taken me a little over 43 years to get here. If you are younger than that...congrats on deciding to make the change early. If you are older than that...it's NEVER too late!
With that being said, there is nothing wrong with giving your kids cereal for breakfast. Just read the label...stay away from sugary cereals. You are not doing your kids any favors by feeding them those type of cereals.
You want to look for whole grain type cereals with at least 5g fiber per serving. We usually keep the following two boxes of cereals in our house -
Special K - Cinnamon Pecan and Quaker Cinnamon Oatmeal Squares. As you can see, yes we like cinnamon. The Special K acutally has less fiber and protein. The Quaker Oatmeal Squares have 5g fiber and 6g protein.
If your kids like oatmeal, that's a great easy breakfast to serve. Just add 1/4 cup of fruit and your set. Kashi is a great oatmeal choice. Right now, I have Village Farm Whole Grain Oatmeal in my pantry. I add about 1/4 cup of fresh blueberries to round it out. You can check out the nutritional value here.
If your family are big egg eaters, consider using the egg whites only. You still get a great amount of protein without the cholesterol and added fat. If you are unsure about using egg whites because you think it might not have the yellow color...try using 2 egg whites and one whole egg.
I have included some great egg recipes under Dish of the Day on the right hand side.
The Egg bites are great for families on the go or for kids because they can eat them with their hands.
One more thing before I go. I have been guilty of this in the past. When I was younger and I worked full time and my kids were in daycare, I was sooo rushed in the morning. My kids were lucky to get a powdered donut for breakfast when they got to daycare. Do not do this....I repeat....Do NOT DO THIS! Make the time...get up early, fix breakfast or part of it the night before.
I'm not saying that you can't ever give your kids donuts for breakfast....Just limit when you do it...maybe you do it on Saturday mornings as a special treat, follow up with some kind of fruit. Also, limit it to one donut. Don't let them eat them until they make themselves sick.
Well, gotta go. Hope this has given some of you some new ideas. Keep those questions coming!
No Bike Riding for Awhile
Wednesday morning around 3 am, I was awakened by a sharp pain, pressure. I called the doctor and he told me not to go to the ER, but to just wait and come in first thing in the morning.
So to make a long story short, plus I'm sure you don't really want to hear all the details, I have urinary tract infection.
If you have ever had one of these or a kidney infection, I'm sure you understand the pressure it creates on your lower back/side.
Anyway, I'm on antibiotics and I feel better today than I did yesterday. Just no bike riding or streneous excercise allowed.
I'm hoping that I will feel good enough tomorrow to at least get some weightlifting and walking in.
So to make a long story short, plus I'm sure you don't really want to hear all the details, I have urinary tract infection.
If you have ever had one of these or a kidney infection, I'm sure you understand the pressure it creates on your lower back/side.
Anyway, I'm on antibiotics and I feel better today than I did yesterday. Just no bike riding or streneous excercise allowed.
I'm hoping that I will feel good enough tomorrow to at least get some weightlifting and walking in.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Ramblings after 11 pm
Yes, it's after 11 pm and I really should be in bed - don't worry, I'm headed there soon.
I will be adding some new things to my blog in the next few days, so I'm hoping anyone who is reading this will be checking back.
After listening to several people who are on this journey, I have heard that one of the hardest things is meal planning - having a menu to go by each day. While I can't plan everyone's meals, I can share with you what I eat each day. It will be on the side bar and will be updated nightly. Some of the recipes will be included on the side under "Dish of the Day".
I know meal planning can be difficult, especially if you have a family with different needs. Personally, when all the kids are here - all 5, I have to take into consideration that two are vegetarians, one has a medical condition that makes it difficult to retain fluids and sodium and requires a higher sodium content; my husband is a meat and potatoes kind of guy (luckily he is not very picky and will eat whatever I cook).
I can tell you that it can be done with a little planning. There are lots of places online you can find low calorie/low fat or low carb recipes. Make out a menu once a week then make your grocery list from the menu.
Don't want the kiddos eating all the fruits and veggies you bring home in one day...or something that you bought specifically for you? Label them with a bright sticker (thanks for the idea Deb), and let them know up front that the foods with the stickers are NOT to be eaten without permission.
I'm always open to ideas of what you want to see on this site...what would help you on your journey. Please feel free to post any questions or comments.
I will be adding some new things to my blog in the next few days, so I'm hoping anyone who is reading this will be checking back.
After listening to several people who are on this journey, I have heard that one of the hardest things is meal planning - having a menu to go by each day. While I can't plan everyone's meals, I can share with you what I eat each day. It will be on the side bar and will be updated nightly. Some of the recipes will be included on the side under "Dish of the Day".
I know meal planning can be difficult, especially if you have a family with different needs. Personally, when all the kids are here - all 5, I have to take into consideration that two are vegetarians, one has a medical condition that makes it difficult to retain fluids and sodium and requires a higher sodium content; my husband is a meat and potatoes kind of guy (luckily he is not very picky and will eat whatever I cook).
I can tell you that it can be done with a little planning. There are lots of places online you can find low calorie/low fat or low carb recipes. Make out a menu once a week then make your grocery list from the menu.
Don't want the kiddos eating all the fruits and veggies you bring home in one day...or something that you bought specifically for you? Label them with a bright sticker (thanks for the idea Deb), and let them know up front that the foods with the stickers are NOT to be eaten without permission.
I'm always open to ideas of what you want to see on this site...what would help you on your journey. Please feel free to post any questions or comments.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Have been out of commission
Sorry folks...I have been dealing with a migraine for three days. If you have ever had one or is someone who suffers with migraines, you know how it just completely zaps you. I have delt with them for years now. After several tests, the doctors know I have what is called, occular migraines. However, they have not been able to determine the trigger. The best they could do was to recommend medication that I would have to take on a daily basis. And frankly, some of the possible side effects are worse than the migraines themself.
So, I opted NOT to take the meds and just deal with the migraines. They are definitely not as frequent as they use to be. The last one before this was in April. They last for three days....always. I can tell when one is coming on and by the time it is full blown, it is centered in my right eye. I'm not sensitive to noise, but I am sensitive to light.
So, with all that being said....I did not work out like I should have this weekend. And, it's okay. I'm glad that I am finally coming out of the migraine and am looking forward to getting back into my normal workout routine.
I did pick up a new set of weights on Friday....and my son and step-daughter worked out with me Friday night. Let's just say, they TRIED to keep up with me. We were working out to the Biggest Loser Jump Start DVD....just the 10 min cardio. Wow! That's the longest 10 minutes I have ever spent! But, I'm gonna stick with it...don't know if the kids will.
Was everyone able to stick to their weekend goals? If not, don't give up....try again!!!
So, I opted NOT to take the meds and just deal with the migraines. They are definitely not as frequent as they use to be. The last one before this was in April. They last for three days....always. I can tell when one is coming on and by the time it is full blown, it is centered in my right eye. I'm not sensitive to noise, but I am sensitive to light.
So, with all that being said....I did not work out like I should have this weekend. And, it's okay. I'm glad that I am finally coming out of the migraine and am looking forward to getting back into my normal workout routine.
I did pick up a new set of weights on Friday....and my son and step-daughter worked out with me Friday night. Let's just say, they TRIED to keep up with me. We were working out to the Biggest Loser Jump Start DVD....just the 10 min cardio. Wow! That's the longest 10 minutes I have ever spent! But, I'm gonna stick with it...don't know if the kids will.
Was everyone able to stick to their weekend goals? If not, don't give up....try again!!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. I was on my last blood pressure pill and it was time to get a refill.
When the nurse checked my blood pressure, it was 100/70....which was GREAT! Quite a long way from 180/135.
I have a great doctor who is very supportive, encouraging, and understanding. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a doctor with these qualities. Anyway, when she came in, she gave me a big hug and told me how impressed she was with how much weight I had lost.
I have lost a total of 40 pounds since starting on February 25. I'm half way to my goal weight! I have gone from a size 16-18 to a size 12!
My blood pressure is now fine and I no longer have to take blood pressure meds! I was so excited to hear this news.
As you can see from the sidebar, I only lost one pound this week....but I'll take it!
I know I still have a ways to go...but I also know, I'll get there!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
When the nurse checked my blood pressure, it was 100/70....which was GREAT! Quite a long way from 180/135.
I have a great doctor who is very supportive, encouraging, and understanding. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a doctor with these qualities. Anyway, when she came in, she gave me a big hug and told me how impressed she was with how much weight I had lost.
I have lost a total of 40 pounds since starting on February 25. I'm half way to my goal weight! I have gone from a size 16-18 to a size 12!
My blood pressure is now fine and I no longer have to take blood pressure meds! I was so excited to hear this news.
As you can see from the sidebar, I only lost one pound this week....but I'll take it!
I know I still have a ways to go...but I also know, I'll get there!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Excercise is NOT a four-letter word
When you say to someone, "you really need to excercise", you start to hear the groans and sighs before the words even come out of your mouth. Guess what? Unless you are a vegetable, you do some form of excercise everday! Do you do housework...that's excercise; how about walking to the mailbox to get your mail....that's excercise; do you take a shower...believe it or not, you are even excercising then!
The point is, if you can do that...you CAN do more. Your body needs you to do more. Face it...20 minutes a day is not a long time. Everybody can find 20 minutes a day to dedicate to some form of formal time excercise. It doesn't even have to be done at one time. You can break the 20 minutes up!
Walking is a great form of excercise, especially for beginners. Face it, you can walk anywhere and you do not need any type of special equipment. If you are a beginner, set a goal to walk for 5 minutes in the morning. Walk again at night. Once you are comfortable with that, start increasing your minutes and your distance. Before you know it, you will be walking the full 20 minutes (or even more) at one time!
The point is, find something...anything that will get you moving and just DO IT!
No excuses! Believe me, I have heard a lot of excuses of why , "I just can't do it". Yes, you can! Don't be your worst enemy. As my husband says, "Excuses are like buttholes, everyone has one and they all stink!"
Get up and get moving...it's as simple as that.
The point is, if you can do that...you CAN do more. Your body needs you to do more. Face it...20 minutes a day is not a long time. Everybody can find 20 minutes a day to dedicate to some form of formal time excercise. It doesn't even have to be done at one time. You can break the 20 minutes up!
Walking is a great form of excercise, especially for beginners. Face it, you can walk anywhere and you do not need any type of special equipment. If you are a beginner, set a goal to walk for 5 minutes in the morning. Walk again at night. Once you are comfortable with that, start increasing your minutes and your distance. Before you know it, you will be walking the full 20 minutes (or even more) at one time!
The point is, find something...anything that will get you moving and just DO IT!
No excuses! Believe me, I have heard a lot of excuses of why , "I just can't do it". Yes, you can! Don't be your worst enemy. As my husband says, "Excuses are like buttholes, everyone has one and they all stink!"
Get up and get moving...it's as simple as that.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
A Look Back
People say that you should not live in the past. You should live in the now...look to the future. But sometimes, you need to look backwards in order to figure out how you came to the place you are and where to go from here.
Me? Well, I've always considered myself to be overweight. I don't think it really bothered me until I hit fourteen...yep...those dreaded highschool years. Don't get me wrong...my years in highschool were great. And now that I can look back, I wasn't really big. I was just bigger than a size 0 to 4. When you are a size 10, and let's say, "well endowed"...you are a big girl compared to some of the little twigs in your class. So, I dieted here and there...lost and gained, etc. etc - no big deal.
I did get married at 20 and had a family. During this time, my weight fluctuated greatly, especially after having babies. The weight just wasn't letting go - and you know those middle of the night trips to the pantry for the Little Debbie Snacks didn't help.
So after many years of ups and downs, my marriage fell apart. But, I was not to be alone for long. I met a wonderful man, who loved me just the way I was and we have been happily married ever since. Sounds like a story book ending doesn't it?
But, my husband liked to eat just as much as I did. I like to cook and bake and it was great. Not only that, but I think my husband probably liked chocolate just as much as I did! I thought I had hit the jackpot!
But after 4 years, the weight had finally caught up with me.
I went to donate blood one day, and they wouldn't let me. My blood pressure was too high. I was sure it was just because of where I was (I REALLY do NOT like needles).
I went back to work and over the course of a couple of days continued to monitor my blood pressure. It was still high. High enough to where it worried my husband. He convinced me to go to the doctor. After a battery of tests, just to make sure nothing else was going on, I was put on blood pressure medication and was told I needed to lose weight. I knew that was coming.
So, I weighed in a 205 pounds. Something I did not share with anyone...not until now. 205 pounds on a 5'2" frame is a lot. It is more than I have ever weighed. It was then and there and I made up my mind, that it was time to change my life. Not just go on a diet, but change the way and what I eat. It was time to incorporate excercise....It was time I made a LIFESTYLE CHANGE!
So, here I am now...on this journey. I am hoping that I can encourage others to do the same. I will share with you the weight I lose, the weeks that the scale doesn't move, and yes...even those weeks when the scale has a + sign.
So, now you know about me...anyone want to share about your journey?
Me? Well, I've always considered myself to be overweight. I don't think it really bothered me until I hit fourteen...yep...those dreaded highschool years. Don't get me wrong...my years in highschool were great. And now that I can look back, I wasn't really big. I was just bigger than a size 0 to 4. When you are a size 10, and let's say, "well endowed"...you are a big girl compared to some of the little twigs in your class. So, I dieted here and there...lost and gained, etc. etc - no big deal.
I did get married at 20 and had a family. During this time, my weight fluctuated greatly, especially after having babies. The weight just wasn't letting go - and you know those middle of the night trips to the pantry for the Little Debbie Snacks didn't help.
So after many years of ups and downs, my marriage fell apart. But, I was not to be alone for long. I met a wonderful man, who loved me just the way I was and we have been happily married ever since. Sounds like a story book ending doesn't it?
But, my husband liked to eat just as much as I did. I like to cook and bake and it was great. Not only that, but I think my husband probably liked chocolate just as much as I did! I thought I had hit the jackpot!
But after 4 years, the weight had finally caught up with me.
I went to donate blood one day, and they wouldn't let me. My blood pressure was too high. I was sure it was just because of where I was (I REALLY do NOT like needles).
I went back to work and over the course of a couple of days continued to monitor my blood pressure. It was still high. High enough to where it worried my husband. He convinced me to go to the doctor. After a battery of tests, just to make sure nothing else was going on, I was put on blood pressure medication and was told I needed to lose weight. I knew that was coming.
So, I weighed in a 205 pounds. Something I did not share with anyone...not until now. 205 pounds on a 5'2" frame is a lot. It is more than I have ever weighed. It was then and there and I made up my mind, that it was time to change my life. Not just go on a diet, but change the way and what I eat. It was time to incorporate excercise....It was time I made a LIFESTYLE CHANGE!
So, here I am now...on this journey. I am hoping that I can encourage others to do the same. I will share with you the weight I lose, the weeks that the scale doesn't move, and yes...even those weeks when the scale has a + sign.
So, now you know about me...anyone want to share about your journey?
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