We are hittin' the road at midnight tonight on a 12 hour car trip to Michigan to visit some friends. I know, midnight seems like an odd time to start the trip. Husband works second shift, gets off at 11:30 pm...by the time he gets home, I plan to have the SUV packed and ready to go. All he will have to do is change his clothes and help me load the kids. He's used to staying up after he gets home, so driving will be a breeze for him, and I can catch a little shut-eye. Then I'll take my turn driving while he gets a little sleep. And HOPEFULLY, the kids will sleep most of the way there. I am looking forward to spendng time with my husband. Our schedules are so different, sometimes days go by that we don't get to see each other..or talk to one another except by phone. It's hard...and I hate it.
This will be the first time we have gone on a LONG trip with just his kids. My youngest son is still at his dad's enjoying a vacation in Florida. My 19yr old has opted to stay here and house/dog watch since he has to work. And of course, my oldest (22) doesn't live with me.
We are taking a 10yr old, 11yr old, and 14yr old. Sleeping good...fighting bad.
Had the kids make a list of snacks they wanted to take on the trip. Got the usual...chips, chex mix...etc. However, one of them asked for fruit to take on the trip, and another one wanted baked pita chips and hummus dip. Maybe I'm starting to rub off on them. Now...if I could just get my husband on board (whole different discussion to be saved for another day).
I am taking my weights with me. That way I know I will at least be able to work out some. My ankles have been giving me problems again. It was to the point last night that there was no way I would be able to do cardio or ride my bike. They were swollen and the right was painful. After I did some household chores and got some things together for our trip, I sat and iced my ankle, took a diuretic(as the doctor suggested)to get rid of any fluid buildup, and then I did my nails.
Honestly, I can't believe how depressed I was because I couldn't exercise. It is very frustrating. I have this fear that I'm going to gain back the weight that I have lost. I just had to keep telling myself that one day of not exercising is not the end of the world...but still
On another front, if you read an earlier post about my search for a bathing suit, I did find one! Yay! Bought it at Kohl's. I did buy two separate pieces that are two different sizes. And it's exactly what I was looking for...and better yet...on SALE!
Took the 10yr old step-daughter with me (it's nice to have a girl to go shopping with you. - She's the only girl...yep 5 boys and 1 girl). Her mom bought her a bathing suit not even a few weeks ago before she went to camp. But the shoulder strap has almost ripped all the way off and the counselors at camp told her that her suit was too small. We looked at swimsuits for her too while there and found a cute 3pc suit. The top is a tankini...doesn't show her mid-section. Has regular swim bottoms and then a little swim skirt that goes over the bottoms. It's black and hot pink. Very cute and modest. Was a little worried though when we got home and she shouted out to her brothers, "Hey, come look at my sexy new swimsuit!"..whoa...sexy?
Gotta have a talk with this girl.
Jumping to another subject (I know, I'm all over the place with this post), my personal trainer sent me a very apologetic email about missing our appointment. He said it was just making him sick that this happened and offered me free personal training sessions for as long as I wanted if I would just give him another chance. He promised that he would help me reach all my goals. So, we are going to start new on July 7 and see where it goes. You see, I want to run a 5K before my next birthday.
Well, getting late and I need to get ready for work. Hope everyone has a most excellent and HEALTHY Friday!
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