So yesterday, I didn't post any now pictures. I know, I know...the before pics don't do any good with out a now pic to compare it to. I had every intention of posting one. Even had my stepson take a picture of me. But when I looked at it, honestly, I felt a little disappointed. Did I really look like that? I deleted the picture and vowed to try again another day thinking maybe a different outfit will make me look better.
I used my DVD - Dance Off the Inches yesterday morning. It's a 30 minute DVD and boy was I sweating when it was done! But I felt so good when I was through. I think I'm finally getting the hang of the DVD and I can do it all the way through without having to stop and catch my breath - progress.
I had had planned to go to they gym during my lunch and get on the treadmill. I never thought I would miss being on the treadmill, but I do. Unfortunately, I packed my gym clothes and conveniently left them on the kitchen table. Sigh.
After getting home from work, I made dinner for me and the kids...veggie soy burgers for the two vegetarians and turkey burgers for me and step-daughter. I had put all the fixins on the counter. When I asked step-daughter if she wanted anything on her burger, she wanted to know if she could have bacon. I don't know what it is with that girl and bacon. That is all I hear about is how much she loves bacon.
I rode 11.5 mile on the stationary bike, and worked up another good sweat. I used to hate to sweat. But now, when I do, I think, "Wow, I must be working really hard."
It's a great feeling.
I've been trying to get in more water during the day. I really need to start logging my water intake to see how much I'm really getting. I'm also trying to make sure that I get enough raw vegetables and fruit in everyday. You know, it's really not that hard. Eating this way is becoming more and more of just a habit...a habit I plan on continuing.
Let's see, anything else.....oh yeah. I have my second meeting with the personal trainer during my lunch today. All I know is that he said he was going to some bootcamp thing this past weekend and he wanted to incorporate some of that today. So, I have no idea what I'm in for. I am glad to have someone to really push me to my limit.
I have had tendonitis in my ankle so I just need to watch it and keep it iced when needed and take some ibuprofen. I'm determined not to let it slow me down or keep me from getting my exercise in.
Well, I guess that's it for now. Hope everyone has a great day.
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