Hope everyone had a great and safe holiday! I am really looking forward to getting back into my normal routine. After being on vacation, having the step-kids here for a couple of weeks and then the holiday weekend, I am soooo ready to get back to "normal" again.
I know I'm late getting this post in today, but I'm off work today and slept in a bit and then have spent the morning on Sparkpeople.com. If I'm not careful, I could be on there for hours! If you haven't checked it out or joined..(it's free), I encourage you to do so. There are a lot of great people there and the site is loaded with info, tools and motivation for any stage of your journey you might be in.
As you can see from the sidebar, I didn't lose any weight last week...but I didn't gain any either. I was on vacation and I gave myself permission to cut myself some slack. So I was thrilled to know that I was able to maintain my weight at the same time.
It got me thinking as I stood in front of my mirror the other day...what are some of the other things that I can "celebrate" about where I am on this journey. You know, you have to look at other things besides the number on the scale. That number does NOT tell the whole story. It is just a number...a guide, if you will.
So, here's my list ...silly as some things may be...
1. My thighs no longer rub/touch each other when I walk!
2. I can actually wrap a towel all the way around myself when I get out of the
3. I can bend over and tie my shoes without my face getting red and feeling like I
can't breathe.
4. I can stay up past 9:00 pm without being exhausted.
5. Stressfull things/situations do not bother me as much as they would have in the
6. I now like wearing sleeveless shirts(my arms have a little more definition and
less flab)
7. No more granny panties! (next comment is a little personal...skip over if you
do not want to know) Discovered that I LOVE thongs! - who would have ever guessed
that I would even consider purchasing one...much less actually wear it!
8. I am able to love my husband even more because I have learned to love myself.
9. I have noticed I watch less T.V.
10. I look forward to waking up each day and knowing that I am LIVING my life and
not just watching it pass by.
What are you going to celebrate today?
That is a great list! I totally remember the towel wrapping around me for the first time! Your doing great love your list.